
Husband leaves his sick wife to be with his mistress. She Acts When He Returns For Her Inheritance.

Erratic behavior

At home, meanwhile, Markon's conduct grew more and more chaotic. He was more erratic, shy, and private.
The once-solid routines became wild spurts of activity interspersed by extended, nervous quiet. Though he knew better than to probe too much, Lucas also sensed the strain.
Markon clearly was under pressure, but from what, I could only hypothesize. His behavior showed he was hiding more than simply a means of escape. 

Lucas notices

Lucas sensed the strain; he was more evasive than he had ever been. "Mom, why is Dad acting so strange?” Lucas inquired, his boyish brow wrinkled with concern.
Hugging him helped me to calm his fears by hiding my own. "It's just work stress, sweetie," I responded, aware full well it was much more.
Lucas nodded, not sure, but he watched Markon with the same watchful gaze I had. The home had the impression of a pressure cooker.

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