
These are the 15 longest lasting cars you can get

Finding something that lasts longer than you anticipated is a good experience in a world where excessive planned obsolescence appears to be the norm. Perhaps it's the Ninja Blender you have on your counter, the iPhone 6S you still use, or the workout outfit from Old Navy that simply won't go away. Whatever the case, it's enjoyable to take a moment every now and then to pause and consider the things that genuinely endure.

More than 260 million automobiles were sold between 2012 and 2022, according to the report. The likelihood of an average vehicle lasting 250,000 miles is 11.8 percent, which is not good news for many of the automobiles now on the road.


  • 14 of the top 15 were either a truck or an SUV
  • 6 out of the top 15 models were Toyotas
  • 7 out of the top 15 were pickup trucks
  • 1 sedan made the top 15 – the Toyota Avalon

15. Honda CR-V


Chance of Lasting 250,000+ Miles – 27.5%

Compared to Average – 2.3x

The RAV4-fighting Honda offers a carlike ride with the versatility of an SUV and is also the best-selling SUV in the state of New Jersey.

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