Wonder what creatures do when they think nobody is around? Wonder no more, then! Our collection of carefully timed animal images provides you with a humorous and sometimes remarkable look into the secret life of large and small species. These incredible images capture those fleeting events that occasionally escape human observation and reflect the real personality and attractiveness of our animal friends.
From a group of flamingos inadvertently copying a scene from "West Side Story" to a bear caught mid-scratch with a countenance of pure delight beyond any spa-goer, these photographs illustrate the most natural events. Dogs jump after frisbees with the intensity of Olympic competitors; cats develop looks suitable for any online meme contest; owls mid-head-turn like feathery Exorcist extras.
These images capture many hours of patient waiting, split-second timing, and occasionally simple coincidence. Wildlife photographers tracking their animals sometimes spend days or even weeks waiting for that perfect moment when nature displays its mischievous side. The results are doors into a world where animals let their guard down and expose their most true, generally humorous personalities—not merely images.
Every picture is proof of both the talent and tenacity of wildlife photographers as well as the irregular and generally funny nature of the animal world. Whether your interests are in animals, photography, or just a good giggle, this collection will surprise, delight, and inspire you with regard for the perfect synchronization of camera shutters and atmosphere.
1. Two catches

This incredible image shows a natural occurrence whereby two predators seem to have made synchronous catches. The picture most definitely displays the involved animals as well as the incredible timing and accuracy of the photographer. Perhaps we see a bird of prey swooping down to seize a fish only to find it caught in the jaws of a leaping predator from below the surface of the lake. Alternatively, it can be two different species of birds, each successful in their quest at exactly the same moment. This "double catch" scenario highlights the complex and sometimes ruthless food chain observed in the natural world, where success as a hunter does not always bring safety. The photographer's ability to capture this split-second incident is truly remarkable since such situations are rather rare and difficult to predict. This image powerfully reminds me of the ongoing struggle for life in the animal kingdom and the unexpected paths nature's grand drama might go.