
Husband leaves his sick wife to be with his mistress. She Acts When He Returns For Her Inheritance.

improved health

As Elara concentrated on her fresh sense of direction and will, her health became better. She became more robust every day, going to therapy and following her treatment plan.

'Your improvement is amazing,' her doctor said during a visit. Elara grinned as her strength came back.

Her will to take back control over her life and money turned into a great inspiration. Medical treatment combined with personal determination worked magic, driving her healing and strengthening her will.

Caden's concern

Caden started to focus more and more on getting his due inheritance. As he understood the financial pressure his extravagant lifestyle with Liora was causing on their resources, his despair mounted.

'We need that inheritance,' he said to Liora, his voice tense. Their increasingly frantic conversations reflected the pressure they were under.

Caden was oblivious to the growing problem due to his single-minded attention on the bequest. Elara's precise arrangements were exactly matched by his avarice and insecurity.

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