
Husband leaves his sick wife to be with his mistress. She Acts When He Returns For Her Inheritance.

Markon's façade crumbles

Once Markon saw I wouldn't be readily vanquished, his façade started to fall apart. His sure smile gave way to a flutter of nervousness.
Though it didn't work, he tried to toss me off with charm and trickery. He grew erratic and frantic the more he sensed my will.
His well-chosen image was disintegrating, and his situational control followed along. I noted doubt in his eyes for the first time. 

Courtroom tension

Judge Desmond methodically went over the evidence, and the courtroom was clearly tense. In the quiet, every whisper and every rustling of paper felt magnified.
She seemed to be weighing every bit of information, her austere façade displaying the least traces of care.
Both sides palpitating with tension, the air was heavy with expectation. I was prepared to deliver the last blows to send Markon's falsehoods down from this battleground of facts and realities.

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