
Husband leaves his sick wife to be with his mistress. She Acts When He Returns For Her Inheritance.

The judge's ruling

The judge decided in Elara's favor, giving her complete authority over her inheritance and the surviving assets.

Though whispers of incredulity abound throughout the court, justice won. Elara remained cool, the weight of success sinking in.

The ruling was unambiguous and explicit, therefore eliminating any possibility for more arguments. Elara softly thanked her team for their unflinching support as her protracted struggle came to an end.

Caden's regret

Feeling let down by both Liora and himself, Caden had only remorse. He sat in the courtroom fixatingly gazing at the floor.

He carried great weight from the reality of his decisions. Liora had lost everything, and his promises had fallen apart.

As he went back over the events leading until this moment, regret bit at him. The hollow sensation of loss left him with the empty promises and ephemeral pleasure seeming like sharp delusions.

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