
Husband leaves his sick wife to be with his mistress. She Acts When He Returns For Her Inheritance.

Liora's mask slips

Liora's mask started to slide as the strain built. More often her avarice and irritation appeared. "We need that money now, Caden!" she urged.

Caden noted the shift and at last saw past her charm. He attempted to call her, but his guarantees came flat.

She disclosed her actual personality, and it became abundantly evident that their connection sprang from surface needs rather than real devotion.

Caden's vulnerability

Caden was increasingly vulnerable to Elara's schemes the more time passed. Sleep-starved and under pressure, he started to second-guess his choices.

He observed fissures in their connection even with Liora's seeming unceasing tolerance. Every fresh issue forced him to reconsider his behavior.

Unknown to him, Elara was painstakingly preparing the scene for her next action, knowing his mounting misgivings would help her.

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