However, Sands says your cat loves the way you smell; hence, they might not necessarily sit on your laptop. We don’t deserve dogs, it is sometimes remarked. Alternatively, in some respects, they are more advanced than humans. They love without conditions, are forgiving, devoted, and nonjudging, and they are also simply plain pawsome, cute, fluffy, hilarious, and quirky. Still, occasionally our four-legged buddies engage in the most unusual behavior. Things that could lead us to believe they’re broken.
r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog is a forum of mutt-loving folks sharing humorous images of odd dog behavior. From the page’s launch in 2015, 2.2 million users have joined. From dogs creating the most absurd looks to dogs twisting themselves into awkward postures, there is enough insane stuff to make one wonder whether these hounds are feeling good.
Keep reading for an amazing walk down doggie lane; up Vote for the ones that leave you laughing with amusement.