
9 Things You’re Doing That Might Damage Your Hair

6. You Eat the Wrong Food

If your nutrition reflects your way of life, your hair can suffer. Actually, a diet poor in iron and protein will thin your hair. Given the many diets and eating strategies, be sure you are obtaining the correct daily dosages of nutrients. Alternatively, use over-the-counter counteractive purchaseable supplements. Still, always give first thought to consulting your doctor! Your food right now determines the state of your hair, so a balanced diet is rather important to maintain strong, healthy hair. Among the vital components required for hair development are protein, the main component of hair; iron (which helps transmit oxygen to hair follicles); biotin, vitamin B7; vitamin C; vitamin D; zinc; and omega-3 fatty acids. Among foods high in these vitamins are eggs, shellfish, lean meats, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Any one of these nutrients can lead to brittleness, thinning of the hair, and even hair loss in inadequate form. Following specialist diets such as vegetarian or vegan demands especially careful attention to ensure you are getting enough iron and protein from plant-based foods. Consider including in your diet quinoa, lentils, spinach, and fortified cereals.

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