
9 Things You’re Doing That Might Damage Your Hair

5. You Wash Your Hair Right Before Bedtime

Stop! If you go to bed after washing your hair. One could find pretty negative effects from sleeping on moist hair. Your hair is somewhat weakest when damp, thus it ought to be treated tenderly. Right soon sleeping on it can cause follicular tension and unnecessary pulling. Also follows from this breakage and frizz. First, dry it for some time. When the hydrogen bonds in the hair strands break briefly, wet hair is significantly more prone to breaking and deformation. When you go to bed, wet hair can lead to several problems: the friction between your hair and pillow can cause split ends and breakage; the moisture trapped against your scalp can promote fungal growth; and the awkward positions your wet hair gets pressed into can cause unusual kinks and difficulty styling the next day. If you have to wash your hair in the evening, try to do it at least two to three hours before bed to provide extra drying time. Carefully remove extra moisture with a microfiber cloth to help damage be minimized; then, let your hair air dry somewhat before blow-drying on a low heat setting.

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