#4 I’ve Been Trying To Capture The Essence Of Each Season From This Spot, ~160yrs Old
#5 Just Bought Our First Home (1909) And Found This Under The Carpet
#6 Our 96 Year Old
Built earlier than 1901, Kelly, her husband, dog Sissy, and two cats, Bleep and Little Kitty, live in a century-old house with a lovely family legacy they are now conserving.
Though that's as far back as the county records go, "Our home has been in the family of my husband since the day it was built, likely earlier than 1901," she adds. Two older sisters had this home erected to live out their widowed days, according to reports. Whole tree trunks form the foundation beams; bark is still adhering in patches; the construction is fastened together with square nails and wood pegs.