
50 Hilariously Derpy Dogs That Might Brighten Your Day

#22 Jill The Rescue Greyhound Learns To Sit. Tough With All That Muscle!

#23 Why Sit Undercover On The Extra Large Dog Bed The Humans Got For You When You Can Pout In The Rain And Pretend Nobody Loves You?

#24 What’s Wrong With Both My Dogs

Why therefore would anybody spend time and money investigating whether or not we merit dogs? Surely, they have to have their own four-legged pals. Surely not! “Matthew and I both grew up surrounded by dogs from somewhat large households. When we asked, Tucker answered, “We moved from Australia to New York in 2016, and live in a small one-bedroom apartment, sadly no room for a dog!”

50 Hilarious Pets That Don’t Really Get The Idea Of Boundaries

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