
50 Hilarious Pets That Don’t Really Get The Idea Of Boundaries

#3 My Dogs Most Favorite Person In The World Is My Grandma. It Was Her 89th Birthday Yesterday, He Had To Greet Her With A Proper Hug

#4 I Guess My Puppy Doesn’t Know How Big He Is Anymore

#5 They Have No Regard For Each Other’s Personal Space And Will Fight All Day But When It Comes To Nap Time They’ll Cuddle Up In One Of Their Many Beds

Worth adds, “While kittens that receive extensive positive socializing during a critical developmental window (2-7 weeks) are more likely to form secure attachments, individual cats can also vary in their innate tendencies to be more independent or more prone to strong bonds with their owners.”

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50 Hilariously Derpy Dogs That Might Brighten Your Day