
30 Animal Panorama Mistakes


It turns out that there are a ton of panoramic photos of these "mythical" animals online. From multiple-legged cats to Cerberus dogs to limousine horses, it appears that photo technology has no compassion when it comes to horrifyingly deforming our cherished pets. Naturally, this isn't the fault of these helpless animals, who simply can't seem to hold a stance or want to take pictures.

The best panoramic images of animals may be seen in the list below, which was put together by Bored Panda. Even the most vivid imagination would be unable to comprehend these bizarre creatures because each of these hilarious failures is so distinct. Prepare yourself for some hearty laughter by relaxing, warming up your core muscles, and sitting back. Remember to vote and leave a comment on the most unexpectedly humorous pictures!

#1 Don't Worry Your Dog Could Have Been Like Mine

Turning the camera from vertical to horizontal may be the first recollection millennials have of capturing anything approaching a "panoramic" view on film, yet panoramic photography dates back to 1839, when photography was first invented. Photographers created the first panoramas by arranging two or more daguerreotype plates—the first images taken on copper plates—side by side to produce the illusion of a cityscape. Eleven plates are claimed to have comprised the earliest panoramas.

#2 Panorama Doggo Gone Wrong

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Thirty times people photographed a dog and obtained a blurry yet hilarious result