Preferences for cute four-legged friends differ; some are doggo aficionados, while others are cat lovers. While many of us also have a fondness for hamsters and bunnies, very few of us would think of rats as a possible pet. Usually, when we describe these rodents, we envision a small, dirty creature scuttling around in shadowy areas. Or, if you're a fan of Ratatouille, you may consider them to be endearing sous chefs.
However, these animals are more than just what meets the eye. In addition to being incredibly sociable and capable of forming close relationships with their human caretakers, these extremely clever creatures also maintain excellent hygiene. If that doesn't already wow you, you're going to love this! The Instagram account "ratinstagra" features some of the cutest pictures of these adorable tiny rats. Scroll down to see our selection of the best rat photos from this account.
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The first concern people have with rats is their propensity to cause property damage and virus transmission. They may also become unwanted visitors when they take over houses. But pet rats—also called fancy rats—are not at all like their wild relatives. Like dogs and cats, since the 18th century, people have been breeding some rats to be more docile and disease-free.