#6 Goulash
Later on, someone left a pup named Goulash in such terrible shape that practically all of the dog’s fur had disappeared from demodex mange, rendering his body one large sore. It merely took a few months and careful attention paid off; the dog’s fur came back effectively. The pup was ready to start his quest for a permanent home now that Goulash’s skin healed and his nice demeanor matched his attractive appearance; but, his foster mother adopted him herself after she fell so madly in love with him.
Opening on April 14, 1869 in the town of Bensalem, close to Philadelphia, the very first refuge for abandoned animals—mostly horses—was Caroline Earle White, the founder, organized a group of activists determined to do all necessary to assist homeless animals—including dogs—and, if at all possible, locate new homes and new owners for them.